About Me & My Work —
Background & Credentials:
Education: I’m currently getting my Master’s in Neuroscience & Education from Columbia University’s Teachers College. My undergraduate degree was in Public Health from UofSC (go gamecocks!), & I also see public health topics weaving into my work frequently!
Hypnosis Certifications: I received my hypnosis certification from the National Guild of Hypnotists in 2021, and have remained as a Certified Consulting Hypnotist in good standing with them ever since.
Coaching Certification: I received my life coaching certification from the Coach Training Alliance, also in 2021.
In early 2021, I worked with a hypnotist for the first time. I had heard about hypnosis here and there (interestingly, during my Public Health studies in undergrad), and who knows, maybe that combined with the fever dream of the pandemic made me brave enough to search “Hypnotists near me” on Google. I can’t tell you how excited—and dreadfully nervous—I was… I didn’t really know what to expect (what if it’s mind control? what if I don’t remember anything? or worse… what if it’s a bunch of bull?), but! I was still so curious to try.
I left my first session feeling so… everything! Relaxed, amazed, inspired—the works. I had no idea I could access such an immersive, visual space in my own mind—AND use that space to take back the reigns from the anxiety that was controlling my life at the time. I worked with with my hypnotist for 4 sessions, saw my anxiety cut in half, and knew: Yep, I am going to do this too. I was already in the process of my life coaching certification, but I knew hypnosis was something I wanted to add to the roster of services I gave my clients. I enrolled in the National Guild of Hypnotists 60-hour training & certification that summer, and I’ve introduced hundreds of folks to hypnosis since!
You can scroll here to learn more about the various things I’ve supported clients through. In my own life, I use hypnosis for nearly everything: managing anxiety, working towards my goals (what some may call manifestation), self-acceptance, pain management (PCOS cramps, ugh), so much.
But if you’re wondering about that crazy stuff you might’ve seen at stage hypnosis shows: I don’t do that. I conceptually understand how to make someone quack like a duck or pretend to drive a race car on stage, but I’ve never received formal training in it, and I have no desire to. So, to be clear: That ain’t happenin’ in our work together!
Once I decided, “Okay Emma, you’re becoming a hypnotist. Despite the fact that everyone will look at you like you have three heads when you tell them what you do, you’re doing this!”
I began making content on social media to reel in some clientele, and that soon turned to talking about the research behind hypnosis, neuroscience of emotions, and all sorts of topics like that. One TikTok series went especially viral—on a topic called emotional addiction—and I realized I really, really loved teaching folks about their brains. Yes, about things like hypnosis, but also just… how we work! At the neural level!
I realized I wanted to do more with the education side of my business. And then one fateful Friday night, while watching New Girl at 2 AM, I got a random ping to research neuroscience Master’s programs. The first thing I found was the Neuroscience & Education program at Teachers College. A few months later, I applied, and a few months after that, I got in.
Two and a half years later, the program has taught me more than I even knew there was to know about the brain, and I’ve loved every minute of it (well, maybe not the minutes where I’m spending my weekends watching 2.5 hour lecture recordings, but you get it). I now use this education to explain concepts to my clients, develop workshops for organizations, and create content on IG, TikTok, and YouTube. My #1 goal is to make learning about your brain fun, easy peasy, and approachable.
You made it all the way to the bottom! Amazing! You don’t win a prize, but here are some fun facts about me —
I’m from North Carolina, but currently live in NYC for my graduate studies at Columbia. I’ve lived all over, really—South Carolina, Thailand, West Virginia, India, Texas. Ya girl’s been around!
For my astrology lovers: I’m a Leo sun & rising and Sag moon. I think astrology is a fantabulous tool for self exploration (but no, I don’t think it completely defines you) and if you ever want to weave astrology into a session, I’m always happy to!
And for the origin origin story, I originally fell into the self-help world in college at a time when my life felt like it was crumbling and I needed something to cling to as I put it back together. It’s a long and winding story that I’d be happy to tell you one day, but it eventually led me to working with my hypnotist and this career I’ve built.
Business Ethos:
Let’s see, what else… Ah, yes: ethos. Mine surround integrity and authenticity (the filing name of my business is Authenticity Remastered) and I put that into practice in a few ways:
I like to talk with potential clients before we work together to see if it’s a fit, and I am honest with folks when I don’t think we’ll be a good match. There are certain boundaries I have in my work—particularly because I am not a therapist, and my work is not therapy. I’ll happily talk through them with you if they ever arise.
I love, j’adore, obsess over the work I do with hypnosis, but I also know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. I believe there are many routes to healing and happiness, and my passion is helping peeps find that through neuroscience and hypnosis. If you walk with me for a bit and find my work isn’t your jam, that is okay. I welcome that, in fact, because it frees ya to find what does work best for you.
I believe accessibility is important, and I’ve matched my session rates to typical prices in NYC. A lot of thought has gone into my pricing model, and I try to provide services at every price tier (free, low price, and then higher rate work that helps me live and keep the biz movin’). I occasionally have availability for sliding scale work, so please never hesitate to ask about sliding scale options (they are always available for The Kit, and sometimes available for 1:1 sessions).
Additionally, I think it’s important to note the privilege I come into the self development space with. I’m a white, cisgendered woman who grew up middle / upper middle class. I’m queer, too, but I don’t share that to downplay the more privileged parts of my identity, I share it in case you’re looking to work with someone in the LGBT space. I’ve worked with folks of all different backgrounds and identities, but I like to share these aspects of my identity to be as open as possible. I know it varies in importance for different people!
& that my love, is the end! I so, so appreciate you reading. Link is below for questions!