Emotional Addiction 101: Using Your Neurobiology to Release Childhood Trauma & Overcome Negative Relationship Patterns

Go ahead & jump in, lovebug! 🐛

Finish the webinar and want to chat with me (for free) about continuing this type of work?

You can schedule a 40-minute connection call at the form below if you’re interested in working 1:1 together to overcome persistent fight/flight/freeze responses and cut out the self-sabotaging patterns that have kept you from your goals in relationships, career, creativity, and beyond.

Please note: I am not doing any calls from 12/19 - 1/4. If you’re watching the recording during that time and are like oh darn, I really wanted to chat with this gal, then send me a message on IG or via email saying “WEBINAR” (or you can just say hey girl what’s up I watched the webinar let’s chat; whatever floats your boat).

We’ll have the same conversation, just over DM or email.

Emma smiles in a denim jacket in a wooded area

Thanks for being here, love

I’m so glad you invested this time to yourself to learn more about our body’s inclination towards emotional addiction—and how you can break out of it. It has meant a before and after in my life, and the lives of so many folks in my community and those that I’ve worked with one-to-one.

Are you ready to chat about whether this type of healing is for you? My calendar is open for free connection calls for folks who are seriously considering embarking on this journey. On the call, we’ll chat about your current struggles and goals, and whether working together might be a fit for you. You can book your free call at the link below!

© 2023 Authenticity Remastered LLC

While hypnosis and hypnotic meditations have many beneficial effects, hypnosis is not a substitute for appropriate medical attention. Statements and advice offered in this webinar and on this page are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure nor prevent any disease or illness. When dealing with physical and/or mental illness or disease, always consult a qualified physician or therapist. There’s no guarantee of specific results and results can vary. Services provided are not intended to take the place of professional counseling, medical or psychological care and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment. Emma Ehrenzeller’s instructions and the information provided are, and are intended to be, educational in nature, providing information, instruction, support and encouragement. Emma Ehrenzeller is a certified hypnotist through the National Guild of Hypnotists and does not hold herself out to provide any form of health care or psychotherapy.