welcome to

(Re)Wired for Love

you’ve already unpacked your past in therapy.

it’s time to create your future with hypnosis.

Re(Wired) for Love is my 5 month 1:1 hypnosis program which gives you an individualized blueprint to finally releasing the self-sabotaging behaviors you’ve been in a situationship with (that no amount of therapy, journaling, or breathwork has helped you kick)

and rewiring your subconscious mind to create reciprocal, loving, and resentment-free relationships with your partner, friends, family, and yourself (relationships that feel like coming home after a long flight, like a cool breeze on a balmy summer day)

—all by using my Soft Manifestation framework that includes hypnosis, coaching, and other neuroscience-backed tools.


If you feel like…

  • You’ve hit a plateau with your current self-help routine—whether that’s weekly therapy, journaling, or dabbling here and there with reiki or tapping—and are ready for a tangible, structured experience that will finally break through the self-sabotaging and anxiety-driven behaviors you haven’t been able to shake, no matter what you’ve tried

  • You struggle to communicate your needs to romantic partners and friends—you feel like it’s better to be quiet and hold back your big feelings to make sure you aren’t burdensome or make anyone uncomfortable

  • Your inner critic can get really, really loud (and really fucking mean)—bullying you whenever you go on a first date, or feel like you make a mistake with your kids

  • You find it hard to manage your anxiety without turning to Netflix, wine, food, or weed to numb out the big emotions

  • You’re hitting a wall with your relationships—it doesn’t feel like you can let your hair down and literally just be YOU the way you want to in your romantic, platonic, and family relationships

And at the heart of it all…

Do you feel like there’s a version of yourself—a version who’s unafraid to pursue their scary dreams, who says, “I love you” with abandon, who tells their dumb jokes and laughs with their whole gut and feels safe enough to cry around those they love—but you had to lock this self inside of you a long time ago—to be more palatable, to keep yourself safe, to make yourself small for the people who didn’t want you to be big. And now, you’ve come to realize you’ve lost the key and don’t know how to let this version of you back out? 

If that resonated and you thought “you know what, yes, that version of me is there. They poke their head out once in a blue moon when I’m feeling in love, on top of the world, or really motivated, but god damnit where did I put that key? How do I let them out so I can really be MEEEE around myself and the people in my life??"

(Despite being a Type A Virgo stellium, I am always losing things, particularly my keys)

If yes, then it might be time to (re)wire yourself for love. Create a new damn key or bust the bars off the cage altogether.

uhhhh but wait...

uhhhh but wait...

If you’re loving everything you’re seeing on this page so far, but you’re like: Okay wait, are you just going to dangle a watch in front of me during the hypnosis part? Absolutely not.

Hypnosis guides you deep into your subconscious mind by using evidence-based relaxation techniques and imaginative visualizations, and curates a habit-changing experience with a specific, tailored outcome in mind.

So, it’s not like meditating just for the sake of calming down and being a good person who does good self-care a lot or whatever (though yes, let’s aim for that I guess).

Hypnosis is like a meditation, but waaaaay more relaxing, that also helps you measurably change an issue you just haven’t been able to shake—whether that’s the overwhelm you feel managing your kids, your procrastination on reaching out to yoga studios to teach at, or the social anxiety you feel at parties.

So, if this is resonating, I want you to imagine what your life would be like if…

  • Your anxiety—particularly in social situations or triggering environments—was almost negligible. You felt free and wild and in control of your body when meeting new people, going on first dates, or dealing with folks who in the past triggered the hell out of you. Now you’re just, eh, chill, whatever about ‘em!

  • Your inner critic turned into your inner cheerleader—or at the very least, was like a quiet little mouse that you knew how to catch and shoo away. Did you know some people don’t even have a (loud) inner critic? Just a passing, occasionally worried voice.

  • You communicated your emotions and needs in romantic relationships without an ounce of guilt or shame (like, hey! I love when you send me a good morning text, bring me flowers, or schedule our next date before we leave the one we’re on—doing all of that without the mental mess). You KNOW you’re deserving of what you need in relationships, and your bold enough to ask for it.

  • You stopped attracting people in your life that are replicas of your more toxic caregiver or painful childhood dynamics. In other words, your “type” (tbh — you see this in dating and friendship) is no longer someone who creates a “predictable” relationship that feels safe (bc they feel similar to what you experienced in childhood) but emotionally, feel miserable (bc hey, those parts of your childhood weren’t the best). You stop repeating the past in your relationships. You create safety for your brain and body in unknown, healthy future relationships.

  • You knew how to manifest the next version of yourself—and all the toe-curling dreams that come with them. You’ve said goodbye to clickbait manifestation and know exactly how to sustainably work towards your goals by focusing on the subconscious beliefs, habits, and self-sabotaging patterns that need to change. You’re a master of soft manifestation (more info on that in a few sections), and each day, you feel more and more like your most authentic, lit up self.

What would it be like if you found the key to that version of yourself you locked away long ago, or if you created a new one? If that version of you—who took swift action to pursue their passion, who’s mean inner critic didn’t run the show, who knew it was safe to let falling in love feel like the corniest Taylor Swift song—if you learned how to fully let them out of their cage, if you became yourself fully so that the cage was gone, and saw your life and relationships bloom with love in the process? 

If you want to find out, then (Re)Wired for Love is for you, love.

Not a single second was wasted in my time working with you.

Each session opened my eyes and forced me to look inward, teaching me more about myself, what I want, and how I was acting as my own roadblock to the life I want. The way you structured your sessions had a natural, easygoing flow that made me feel comfortable and your insight was always explained in a way that would click for me. The best part, though, was that you were human - you weren't some robot speaking corporate lingo; you were honest, real, empathetic, and understanding. And that made all the difference.

It was incredibly insightful and worthwhile, and I'm so glad I did it. As I said, I'm a very self-aware person, but your coaching made me realize things I was subconsciously avoiding, and uncovering those was a necessary first step in my process to living the life I want.

— Maddie, DC

You might be asking… Emma, why Vin Diesel AKA Dom Toretto from the Fast & Furious franchise suddenly on this page? 

First off, I watched all the Fast & Furious movies this winter. There are so many bald men in that series. (I have NOT seen the new Furious X yet so no spoilers plz!!)

Secondly, I was writing about the subconscious yesterday, and even though I’ve been doing this work for eons now, one word made everything click for me in a way it hadn’t before: autopilot.

The subconscious mind rules your brain and body’s autopilot functions.

And okay. Autopilot is more like for planes, but my brain has been totally on cars and the rest of this page is going to use metaphors about cars so just go with the Dom Toretto thing.

We get lost with the subconscious mind because we think it’s only about reprogramming limiting beliefs or only some Fruedian concept about wanting to f*ck our parents or only a woo woo idea from blonde ladies in LA.

But, my love, it is SO much more than any of those things (especially Sigmond’s weird horniness)

Your subconscious mind is how your brain AND your body have been trained to automatically respond to life. Your subconscious mind controls everything you do without conscious thought. In other words, your subconscious mind controls your responses to others, your thinking patterns, your knee-jerk judgments, your intuition, your motor movements, so much. So much.

But when we think about your relationships, and the way love expresses itself in your life, your subconscious mind controls: 

  • YOUR SOCIAL ANXIETY - The way your anxiety presents itself when you go to a party with a ton of people you don’t know (or with a few folks you’d rather not be in the same room with)—hives, heart racing, or shutting down and staying on your phone as examples

  • YOUR NEGATIVE THOUGHTS - The words your inner critic berates you with whenever you try something new, go on a first date, or break out your summer wardrobe again

  • YOUR COMMUNICATION IN DATING - The way you do (or don’t) express your needs to a partner, parent, or friend because of fear that it will make you a drama queen, too intense, or too much 

  • YOUR PEOPLE PLEASING PATTERNS - The modifications you make your personality around different people to make sure you’re palatable enough—not pushing any boundaries and making sure they’re pleased at all times 24/7 no matter what

  • YOUR RELATIONSHIPS AT LARGE - The types of relationships you naturally attract and feel safe in… even if those relationships don’t actually make you happy. Your subconscious dictates the treatment you feel deserving of, the type of people who feel safe (even if they treat you like ass). Mind you, this plays into your relationship with others and yourself.

If your relationship autopilot mode isn’t making you happy, you need to become your own Jesus, take the wheel, and edit your autopilot so you can be fucking happy again in your relationships (with others, and yes, your relationship with yourself). 

And you can edit your autopilot mode—AKA your subconscious mind—through hypnosis.

But first — let’s cover the big Q: What exactly is hypnosis?

Hypnosis, first and foremost, is a normal and natural state. Even if you’ve never had a hypnotherapy appointment before, you’ve experienced hypnosis (yes you, lovebug!). 

Every time you zone out while driving and suddenly make it home (losing track of time), work real hard on a strongly worded email and hear don’t hear your partner call you down for dinner (absorbing your attn 100% into something), or get sooo fucking relaxed at the end of a yoga class or meditation that your body almost feels heavy—like it’s melting—or super light—like a feather… all of these are hypnotic states. 

Now that we’ve covered that hypnosis is totally chill, let’s talk about how we’ll use it together.

I like to define hypnosis as a deep, guided meditation with an outcome attached. That outcome can be decreasing social anxiety, increasing the confidence to communicate your needs, cutting out people pleasing, replacing negative thoughts with kind ones… The opportunities are endless. 

In (Re)Wired for Love, we have 10 hypnosis sessions over the course of 5 months
(aka two per month. I love math!).

Each session is working towards your specific relationship goals—whether it’s decreasing overwhelm when managing your kids, feeling more confident during intimacy with a partner, quieting your looping, negative thoughts on the day to day, or gaining more control over your anxiety in social situations. Each session builds upon itself and equips you with more tangible tools to create change in your relationships, while also further molding your subconscious to align with your goals through hypnosis.

In between our sessions, you get access to me via voice messaging and text. I’ll check in with you to see how your action items (ie tangible tools we talked about in our last session) are going, and you can message me any time you need someone to help you process a trigger, you’re fighting the desire to procrastinate on a project, you had a massive WIN and you want to celebrate it—really, anything. It’s your space to continue integrating and processing in a safe space.

I have no words to explain how much the sessions and Voxer messages with Emma have helped me!

She is a person that is so non-judgmental that you feel validated, seen and heard. She’s very encouraging person who sees the best in her clients, but is also a great teacher when it comes to explaining how thoughts and trauma work.

I understand better how my thoughts work and I now see myself in a different light. It’s amazing how talking to her has been part of my healing experience. I’d definitely recommend her work to anyone who wants to understand themselves better and is ready and willing to change. Trust me, it’s so worth it!!

— Alejandra, Peru

Here’s the low down: (Re)Wired for Love is my 5-month 1:1 hypnotherapy program.

If what you’ve read so far has put little flutters in your stomach and the feeling of “Okay wait yes, I dig,” then RWFL might just be your jam, lovely.

In RWFL, I combine my expertise in the self-help, spiritual, and neuroscience realms into a tailored program to help you create loving, healthy, and resentment-free relationships (with others and yourself). I use the framework outlined below, but because of the flexibility of hypnosis, I’m able to match our work to your exact needs on each step of the journey—in other words, I’m focused on honoring what works for YOU as the unique individual you are, not asking you to replicate exactly what I or my past clients have done on our unique journeys (rarely does that work in the long run, oof). Every client experience is it’s own journey and that’s what I love most about bringing folks like you into this work.

In RWFL, we meet on two 90-minute hypnosis calls per month and in between our calls, you get ongoing access to me via voice message and text. You get a variety of resources as well (The Kit access, etc.), and all of this supports the transformation you’ll feel in your relationship to your inner critic, romantic partners, family, and friends throughout work together.

My Process in RWFL: F*ck the Driver, Take the Wheel, Rewire the Engine

Understand Your Autopilot.

In the first part of our work together, we’re focused on outlining what your autopilot mode currently is. How is your subconscious mind sabotaging and controlling your relationships? How is it showing up in your day-to-day? We’ll ID the key points (and triggers) for your old autopilot, connecting it to the self-awareness you’ve already built up, so when it shows it’s face, you know it’s time to respond differently.

Take the Wheel.

In phase two, we outline specific action items, even breaking them into step by step plans at times, for you to start embodying your new autopilot mode. This is very conscious work, things you get to bring into your day to day life to essentially practice the new autopilot mode your bringing into your life. I keep you accountable with these steps between sessions, too. This support the work we do in the next step—the hypnosis itself.

Rewire the Engine.

Last: Hypnosis is an incredibly powerful tool to change your subconscious autopilot mode to work with you, not against you. In a deep, guided meditative space (where you’re also in complete control, btw), we’ll work to rewire your mind for more self-love, less anxiety, and align your subconscious with your unique relationship goals so you can build the kick ass future you’re ready for.

Another big piece of our work together is something I call soft manifestation.

If you’ve followed me on social media for a while, you know I have some majorrrrr waygu beef with the manifestation industry (too many overnight magic pill solutions that, IMO, increase anxiety, perfectionism, and desperation for most people—a conversation for another day). But I do think manifestation is real, for sure.

Specifically, I like to follow something I call soft manifestation: creating significant changes in your inner world (think: anxiety levels, procrastination, self-sabotage, rumination, etc.) so that you’re open and ready to manifest your goals in the external world.

My clients’ goals are generally not the “OH MY GOD I NEED TO MAKE 1000000 DOLLARS NOW” goals of hard manifestation. Meaning, I’m not going to tell you that because of our work together, you’ll meet your soulmate next week after saying the right affirmations, manifest $10K in two weeks because you thought about it hard enough, or land your next promotion because you visualized yourself getting it once or twice.

But I will tell you that past hypnosis clients have “manifested” things like…

  • Increased emotional intimacy and commitment in their romantic relationships—a greater capacity to have difficult conversations, to discuss next steps like engagements and moving in together, all without the fear and spiraling previously keeping them stuck—because they reduced their relationship anxiety, overthinking patterns, and shame around emotional expression

  • Successfully taking the first steps towards their career and creative goals—whether it’s starting a small business in their community, creating a TikTok account about their passions, or reaching out to yoga studios to teach at—because they reduced the procrastination, self-doubt, and avoidance keeping them from starting

  • New friendships with folks who share their values, humor, and hobbies—or deepened relationships with existing family and friends—because they started releasing past traumas which kept them from letting their hair down in relationships and social situations

The nuance here is we focus on the inward changes you’re ready to make and that you can control, rather than fixating on getting massive external goals asap rocky. The hypnosis process creates safety in your body and brain to confidently go after your relationship, career, and creative goals, without the melee of self-sabotaging habits, whether procrastination, rumination, spiraling, or increased anxiety levels.

If soft manifestation gives you a tingle of curiosity about using a new, more sustainable way to manifest, then let’s talk about (Re)Wired for Love. Click below to fill out the interest form, and we’ll talk on a short call afterwards.

Ready to manifest relationships (with others and yourself) that are bolder, more emotionally intimate, more funnnnny, and simply put, more openly loving? If yes, click below to apply for RWFL.

who’s doing all this typing tho??

Hi, lovely! I’m Emma—you might know me from online as “emzell,” a nickname I gave MYSELF in the sixth grade, lol.

A few years ago I went through a WILD triple header of rock bottoms—I was in a god-awful relationship, my career prospects had just fallen through, and I felt a deep sense of loneliness, even though on the outside, everything looked all nice and pretty and lovely (my IG aesthetic, naturally, was fire at this time. we love the irony.)

That period of my life was extremely difficult, and it lasted probably a year or so. In other words, things didn’t get bright and sunny overnight, but the tools that kept me moving and growing into more vulnerable and loving relationships with others and myself were:

— Starting a regular but flexible meditation, hypnosis, and journaling practice to open me up to introspection. I had always been self-aware (but then again, I think everyone thinks they’re self-aware), but I really dove into my inner world and started asking big questions about my childhood, religion, and societal conditioning. I started finding peace through hypnosis and meditation, even though it was miserable at first (my mind is normally thinking 100 thoughts at once, not sure if you relate). 

— Finding the courage to finally be vulnerable with the people I loved about how I felt — from things that had happened in the past, situations in my present life that made me uncomfortable (but I’d always been too afraid to speak out about), and hell, the future I really wanted! I always kept my dreams to myself — those felt just as vulnerable as sharing my emotions. 

— Discovering what I actually wanted out of my romantic relationships and friendships — Not committing to the friendships that drained me but I stayed in them bc I felt like I should, exiting mytoxic romantic relationship, even when others pressured me to stay (“you’re so lucky to have found him!”). I started getting bolder and asking what I wanted, how I wanted to feel — just starting this imaginative process began to break me out of the box I was living in.

So, like any other human, I still have rainy days, but my relationship with myself has radically changed to one that is more self-loving, accepting of my imperfections, and EXCITED for the life I’m building each day. At the same time, I’ve found myself in romantic experiences, family relationships, and friendships that finally feel reciprocal, loving, and like my soul can be free and open and there. That’s the kind of woo I like, and want for you, too.

I help others on their journey back to their most authentic self because we all deserve that, really: to feel like we’re at home in our own lives and with the people we love. Like we recognize our lives as our own, not some curation made for the validation of society, peers, or anyone. The joy that comes from truly living your own life is immense, and I’d love to support you on your journey there, lovely.

If you’ve read this far I take it you resonate with some parts of my story. RWFL just might be your thing, and if you want to explore deeper, you can apply for RWFL below. We’ll chat to see if it’s for you!

I’m also what one might call a bi queen. The Hex Girls from Scooby-Doo & The Witch’s Ghost were my awakening at age 6.

Here’s me cheesing in my mega tourist vibes when I first moved to India. Another story for another day.

No backstory here, I just love this pic of me. I think it is essentially my energy in a photo : )

Clients have walked away from five months with…

  1. A clear blueprint of who your bold, action taking future self is, and the knowledge of how to integrate the ideal version of yourself into your daily life. You now know how to change patterns that aren’t working, so your relationships are transformed, taking risks don’t feel so scary, and so you have deep well of motivation to work towards your goals. In other words, you’re not just like, visualizing who you want to be for the sake of it. You know how to use hypnotic visualizations to become more of who you want to be.

  2. A toolbox of tangible practices you can reach for in moments of discomfort or overwhelm (that aren’t a Lush bath bomb, a 2-hour TikTok numbing session, or a grounding technique your therapist has told you to do since 2014 that you’ve never actually done), helping you keep control of your inner world and not give the wheel over to your inner critic or anxiety when shit gets hard

  3. The confidence and tangible communication skills needed to feel secure in communicating your desires and expectations in relationships (without feeling like a drama queen or thinking “am I too much??”), to create relationships that energize you rather than keep you feeling stuck and drained and resentful 24/7

  4. A quieter inner critic, that isn’t so damn loud every time they encounter a trigger reminding them of a past toxic relationship or mess up with their kids

  5. The confidence to go on a date feeling like an mf SNACK — focused on what YOU like about the person sipping a cocktail across from you, not fixated on whether or not they like you

“Working with Emma was a fantastic decision I made towards bettering my internal world, and having breakthroughs that gave me space to progress further on my path.

I’m grateful for the time we spent together! It brought me breakthroughs and a space to discuss situations in my life without fear of judgement. I restructured a lot of my limiting internal dialogue and found new tools to build myself up.

I feel like I’ve gained a lot of tools to help build my confidence and self trust, and had a lot of breakthroughs regarding things that held me back from pursuing what I truly cared about."

— Nikole, Texas


Here’s the support you receive as part of (Re)Wired for Love:

20 weeks of accountability and a safe space to be seen, heard, and validated:

  • 10x 1:1 90-Minute Hypnosis Sessions (+ lifelong access to your hypnosis recordings)

  • Monday - Thursday 10 AM - 4 PM EST Voxer Support — Ongoing coaching through voice messaging and text!

  • Access to The Kit, my hypnosis + meditation membership

 In other words, we have two 1:1 hypnosis sessions per month—and in between, we keep the work going via voice and text messages.

Emma is always warm, present, engaging, and authentic in her practice of unearthing personal values, which then allows her to identify behaviors or choices for her clients that could be different from before. Emma provides a nuanced perspective, and a different way of looking at the ways our thoughts shape us. My session with Emma made me feel safe, seen and validated. I recommend everyone WORK WITH HER!!!

— Jane, Los Angeles

here’s what will happen when you apply:

step one.

Apply to work together at the link here.

You’ll fill a short form with basic contact information and a quick debrief on where you’re at in life right now. you can share as much or as little as you feel comfortable with.

step two.

We’ll chat either on a call or in the DMs. The conversation is a space where we’ll discuss your goals and the kind of support you’re looking for. At the end, I’ll tell you about this program—only if you’re interested in hearing more at that point.

step three.

After our convo, you’ll have three days to decide if you want to work together. you can take more time if you’d like it, but most people have made up their mind by then, and this helps me free up space for others who want to join if it’s not a fit for you.

step four.

If you do decide to join RWFL (which I will be the most excited lovebug if so!), I’ll send you the contract, an in-depth intake form, your first invoice, and the scheduling link for your first session. We’ll kick off our five months together! 💖

Here’s how to tell if RWFL is your thing…

— You have a fuck ton of self-awareness, but that hasn’t paid off in making you happier. This is something almost every client has told me, in some form. “I’m really self-aware about my patterns, but I don’t know how to change them.” Essentially, you have a desire to learn tangible tools that can turn your massive self-awareness into joy, contentment, and motivation to work towards your goals. To really step into the life you want as someone (moi!) is in your corner providing support each step of the way.

— You’re looking for more support than typical talk therapy can provide. This is not a dig to therapy, I literally mean more support, meaning more opportunities to dig into what’s coming up with someone else. In RWFL, you get Monday - Thursday access to send me voice messages and texts as you’re working through triggers, implementing new behavioral changes that feel scary, or having revelations that you want to process in real time.

— You’re ready to do the work. The comedian / writer Jordan Firstman has a hilarious vid where he’s imitating an LA self help nut (me) who keeps vaguely saying, “I’m really just doing the work right now.” So what I reallllly mean by this is that you understand that we’ll be working together, you’re ready to be creative and collaborative through the process as we explore your inner world.

— You’re looking for an overnight or band-aid solution. This work can lead to fast changes, yes, but there’s no such thing as a magic pill that can transform your life overnight. That’s why this program is five months long: we’re on a journey of unlayering and taking both baby steps and bold leaps towards your goals.

— You’re purely seeking mental health treatment. I am not a licensed mental health professional, and I like to be very clear on that! If you’re exclusively looking to work on mental health issues, working with a therapist will be more supportive. That being said, many of my clients have depression, bipolar, CPTSD, etc. but the core of our work is not treating those. I’m happy to elaborate on these nuances when we connect.

— You want me to tell you exactly what to do at each step. Coaching and hypnosis are both extremely collaborative. I am here to educate you, to give you advice when needed, and provide my POV when appropriate, but RWFL is not about me telling you “Do this bc I did it and it worked for me.” Instead, I help you understand how YOU want to handle situations, respond to stressors, etc. This is what builds your resilience in the long run; playing simon says does not lead to long term change. Promise. 

RWFL is for you if…

RWFL is NOT for you if…

Ready to fall back in love with yourself & begin manifesting a life that makes your toezies curl with excitement?

Let’s discuss your goals & how my coaching + hypnosis program can support ya. Simply fill the application below to let me know you are interested (this is not an obligation to join if you are accepted!) and I’ll reply within 72 hours to set up your free connection call.


  • Whew, so much. I take it you have this Q because there are specific things you’re wanting to work on that I haven’t touched on yet, so I’m going to list it out to make it easier:

    — Body acceptance / improving your relationship to the body and its appearance

    — Anxious attachment style management and communicating needs in romantic relationships

    — Managing and overcoming persistent triggers for anxiety with family, relationships, work

    — Habit change (ex. stopping smoking, creating a plan for more physical activity)

    — Taking the next big steps in life, and managing the nexus of anxiety / excitement that comes with it (ex. new promotion, engagements, etc.)

    — Discovering what career path they want to transition into and building action plans to begin that transition

    — Finding fulfillment in their personal life so they feel more “engaged” in their life

    — Learning how to express your emotions to partners, family members, friends, and more

    And more, truly. If you have specific areas you want to work on that I haven’t touched on, we can discuss those in a free call after you apply (click here to do so), and I’ll give you a candid look at what I’ve done (or haven’t done) in what you’re looking for.

  • I like to be extremely transparent and clear with the fact that I am NOT a licensed mental health professional. If you are struggling with intense mental illness, this is likely not the program for you—I like to be very clear with the boundaries of my own skill sets and point you to the work that will be most supportive!

    That being said, many of my past clients have had depression, anxiety, PTSD, or bipolar; however, my work isn’t in any way about “treating” their mental health. We focus more on the topics listed in the last FAQ and building healthier coping mechanisms in response to stressors or triggers, which clients have found extremely supportive.

  • Yes! I can work with you to build a custom payment plan over a maximum of 7 months.

  • I’ve never had a client ask for a refund, so I’m not anticipating you to want one! But no, I do not offer refunds. This is because you get instant access to me via Voxer, to the content in The Kit, your crystal pendulum et al.

  • I am a Certified Consulting Hypnotist in good standing with the National Guild of Hypnotists. I am also a Certified Coach with Coach Training Alliance. Also, I have a Bachelor’s of Science in Public Health from UofSC’s Honors College, and I’m currently getting my Master’s in Neuroscience & Education from Columbia University. Not to mention the hundreds of hypnosis and coaching sessions I’ve done—that too! 😉

  • Absolutely. I actually think RWFL is a perfect introduction to hypnosis if you’ve never done it before. Many people find that hypnosis is the form of meditation they really love (even if they’ve always struggled to meditate in the past). There are a variety of different forms of hypnosis you’ll get to experiment with, both in The Kit and in our 1:1 sessions, and I’ll be there supporting you each step of the way.

  • A hypnosis session is typically 90 minutes. I spend 45 minutes - 1 hour coaching you, and using the themes and goals we discussed in the first portion, I create a custom guided hypnosis experience for you. This all occurs within one session.

  • You’ll get a taste of this on our free connection call (apply for RYA here & we’ll chat on a free call), but I find my style to be a balanced mix of education, validation, and challenging you to get in tune with what’s really happening, what you really want, etc. I am very focused on the needs of my clients, and that starts from day 1: when you sign up for RWFL, I send you a lengthy intake form where you tell me your love languages, how you best respond to feedback, how you tend to self-sabotage, and more. All of this information gives me a base of how I can best support you as an individual.

  • I felt the same way when hiring my first coach at a similar price point—it can be intimidating stuff—but this isn’t about my journey.

    This is ultimately your choice, and I want you to feel good about it. That doesn’t mean there’s NO fear there, but I want you to feel like this is the right next step for you.

    When clients have felt excited and like they’ve made their own choice, even if they’re nervous (very normal), I’ve found that folks come in with the best energy to get started. With coaching, hypnosis, all of it, you get out as much as you put in.

    I share this all to say I’m not going to try and convince you to invest. That’s not my job (and it feels pushy and gross and salesy and weird and that’s just not my wheelhouse — again, it’s your choice love, and I want to empower you to make it). I’m here to show you the possibilities that can come from our work together, and support you as you work towards those wild possibilities.

    If you feel those investment nerves, go ahead and apply (click here to do so). You’ll get a better feel for if my work is for you when we talk on a free connection call (and on our call, you won’t be asked to make a decision right then and there… though a lot of folks are ready to get started by the end of it!). This is a no pressure space where you can explore how this investment will really change things for you.

  • Go ahead and fill the application as step one! If you’re already set and you don’t feel like you need a full call before making your decision, we’ll simply cover a few things via voice messages and text before you sign. I always like to have a personal connection with my clients before they begin!

    When you decide RWFL is your jam, however, we will normally start 2-3 weeks after signing. It just depends on my schedule and availability that month! And once you’re a big ole yes, I’ll send you the contract, first invoice, and intake form to kick us off! : )

Have a question that isn’t listed? Feel free to email me at hello@authenticityremasterd.com

Create the key. Manifest relationships (with yourself and others) that feel like home. That feel like love. Apply for RWFL by clicking below.