Gaining Actual Perspective on “Failure”

Bright natural dining room nook with vases plates and fruits on the table.

Hello loves, currently writing from my bed with my cat laying on my shoulder. We’re cozy. Today we wanna talk to y’all about failure.

I started Authenticity Remastered a month ago. I’ve done a lot: nearly finished my website, gotten my LLC filing & finances in order, refined my Team Burnout offer, & much more.

However, every time I remember that I don’t have a client yet, everytime I open my email to no new news, a completely overwhelming feeling of failure sweeps over me and stops my progress, excitement, & hopefulness in its tracks.

Now, quick pause — my brand literally has authenticity in the title. I signed up for being this vulnerable about the entrepreneurial process when I filed that name. Just laughing at myself, bc this, too, feels a bit scary. Anyways:

When these fears overwhelmed me this morning, I decided to trace my fear of failure, & it’s outcome, to the end. “Well, if I don’t get a client, then this business won’t take off. I’ll have to get a job instead, & if that happens then I’ll probs give up altogether on creating a life I’m passionate about.”

My deeper fear wasn’t so much that my business would fail, but that I’d give up on myself & my growth.

Understanding the deeper, thematic fears which underlie our perceptions of failure can be extremely helpful in gaining power over those overwhelming feelings of “I’ll never be enough” & “This will never work out,” that we buy into when we start feeling like failures.

So today, when I had to recognize my fear of failing & find a way through it, I used the following structure, which I think could be helpful for others, too:

1. What am I currently afraid of failing at?
2. What is the worst case scenario of this failure materializing, & what would that say about me? (Be gentle with yourself thru this one)
3. What skills, traits, experiences & support do I have that would actually make the answer to untrue?

With question 3, I realized that I’m actually tenacious as hell AND genuinely love personal development. So, even if AuRem failed, I most likely wouldn’t give up on myself as a person & stop growing altogether. That gave me sustained calm today, & I hope it can for you, too 🍃


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