How Authenticity Can Help You Meet Your 2021 Resolutions

Pretty Caucasian woman at the beach smiling at camera.

Hello from day 30-something (20 something business days? can’t count) of owning my own biz. Some thoughts on authentic goal setting today.

I’m working on getting my content machine ready for AuRem, and it’s a lot of writing, and this post, now, is contributing to more of it… Balance, right?

Anywho, today specifically, I’ve been writing a lot about reaching your goals and how goal-setting feels super inauthentic to me. Don’t get me wrong, I love setting NY resolutions, but they always make me feel empty and flat at the end of the day (year). Debbie Downer, I know.

And, in my tired but fun writing today, I realized why it was always a vapid experience for me: I was setting goals that I love, sure, but I wasn’t making plans to reach them that I also loved. That excited me. That I wanted to take part in each and every day.

Take getting healthy, for ex. That’s a wonderful goal and a lot of people reach for it. But if you try to get there by going to the gym 5x/week, and you hate the gym, is that really going to work? What are avenues that actually excite you?

(For me, with getting healthy, it’s walking Pearl and dancing with @artstogether)

This all came to mind because though I’m still not setting a ton of goals in my business (gasp, shock, you must, how could you not), I am following strategies, mentors, & creating a plan that feels authentic and exciting each day. Even when I’m tired.

So, now, as my own boss I’m going to order myself to take a nap or something, but before I do, consider this:

1. Do your NY resolutions genuinely align with your values and what you (not your parents, peers, and cultural programming) want for yourself in this life?

2. How are you going to meet that goal in a way that lights you up, excites you, and feels fun?

There is literally not enough fun and joy and ESPECIALLY excitement in the world. If you can, consider getting creative and adding more authenticity (re: what you think is fun, joyful, exciting) in the roadmap to your 2021 rezos ⚡️


Gaining Actual Perspective on “Failure”