My Story, Abridged

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Hello hello! My name is Emma, and I’m the gal behind Authenticity Remastered, what I like to call AuRem for short.

It’s my belief, and it’s been my experience that we don’t have enough spaces to feel seen and heard. We skim over details, feelings, intuition and emotion and prioritize reaching the next step on the ladder, things that “should” make us happy, or simply doing work to do something, anything with ourselves. 

But let’s backup a bit, this page is about me, right?

Okay, so: I grew up in a semi-large family in the suburbs of Raleigh, NC. I always saw my life as somewhat monotonous, constantly frustrating, and debilitatingly quiet. Always so quiet. 

Spirituality and service were safe havens for me, however, and that led me to starting a career in the nonprofit world. After a few years of hustling to reach big, ambitious, and altruistic missions, though, I was burnt out. Beyond compare. 

I started in nonprofits to find my passion, but after a certain point, I wasn’t any more certain of my purpose in this life than when I started.

Thats where authenticity, and my obsession with it, comes in.

Coming out of work experiences which drained me mentally, and extremely so, physically, I knew I had to stop settling for things in life which didn’t allow me to live my full truth. 

To start, I had to reprioritize… a lot. I was constantly asking myself how I could live more authentically, more as Emma, but I never mustered up the courage to act on the answers. This meant looking deeply at the ways I expressed myself creatively (re: starting a comedy self-help podcast about my middle school diary); how I showed up in relationships, and which I knew I needed to leave; and, most core for me, to finally create a life where my work and my purpose merged. 

With an authenticity-first ethos in mind, I created Authenticity Remastered. Authenticity acknowledges how multifaceted all of us are, which is why I work with clients 1:1 to tailor an open, exploratory coaching experience which fosters self-discovery and deepened confidence. Alongside this, I build free meditations and meditation workshops for individuals and groups to connect more deeply with themselves and each other from an authentic, rooted space!

I’m so glad you’re here: it means you’re also looking to create a world where people feel safe to be themselves, and to be bold enough to live by their own truths.

In other words, creating a world where people can learn to remaster their authenticity, and live so, so much happier because of it.

I’d love to get to know you, too, and find out how I might be able to help you reach your goals. You can let me know more about you in the application for 1:1 work below, and I will get back to you within 72 hours to set up a time to connect.